Message about Planned Transition of President Hamada Altalib, DO, MPH, FAES

July 2, 2024

Dear Members of the Institute for Muslim Mental Health: Last week, President Hamada Altalib, DO, MPH, FAES announced that he is stepping down as president of the Institute for Muslim Mental Health (IMMH). After serving in this role for eight years, President Altalib has decided to continue with IMMH as part of the advisory board…

Suicide Postvention – Crisis Response Summary

September 1, 2023

Suicide is a human condition. As such, Muslims are not immune to mental health challenges, mental illness, and suicidal ideation. The Institute for Muslim Mental Health coordinated and hosted an emergency Meet the Expert Pro-Series webinar on Thursday, April 8th 2021 in response to a mental health crisis in the Muslim community. The Pro-series webinars are geared towards Muslim mental health practitioners and community faith leaders. This article summarizes the key learning points of Dr. Rania Awaad’s webinar presentation. 

Muslim Mental Health Conference March 25th-26th, 2022

March 10, 2022

Join us in-person or on Zoom, and reconnect with the Muslim mental health professional community!



A Muslim Mental Health Response to Homophobia

March 1, 2019

As Muslim clinicians, advocating for the basic human rights of the LGBTQ community is a step toward social justice for one of many vulnerable populations. The clinical consequences of neglecting to support LGBT youth and individuals is staggering, including risk of suicide, other mental illness, substance abuse, and ongoing trauma from discrimination. 

Family Youth Institute Suicide Kit: A Resource for the Muslim Community

January 1, 2019

Since the publication of The Family and Youth Institute (FYI)  Suicide Prevention and Intervention Resources in September of 2017, over 6000 people have accessed the Suicide Prevention and Intervention Resources on the website and almost 25,000 have accessed them through social media outreach. Mosques and community centers are starting to address suicide and mental health issues in programming and Friday sermons. As Sheikh Yaser Birjas mentioned in a Friday sermon this past September, “We live in one society, we are not immune. Cultural shame leads people to feel isolated. There is no shame in seeking help. It is obligatory if you need help or know someone who does that you should seek it [professional help].”

The Maslowization of Muslim Marriages

December 1, 2018

Another call came in. I knew what to expect — another woman, distressed and frantic. Her marriage was falling apart, and she was eager to piece it back together, or figure out what else she could do to make it work. Ending the marriage was not on the table for her, but she was drastically unhappy, and so was her spouse. He was a good person, she said, but their marriage was gasping for air — what could she do to bring it back to life?