
Share your insights, research, and stories to inspire and empower our community.

Our blog is a hub for engaging and evidence-based resources tailored to the needs of the Muslim community. This is your opportunity to share your insights, research, and experiences with a global audience while contributing to mental health awareness and advocacy.

Resources for Muslim Youth

June 25, 2017

Living in the digital age with a 24-hour news cycle and global political unrest makes it difficult for teenagers to unplug when tragedies occur. It can be tough for youth to emotionally distance themselves from certain events especially if it feels like their identities are under attack. Young people today also face new challenges when it comes to harassment due to the rise of social media.  Outlets such as Facebook and Twitter can often be a hotbed for hate speech.

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9th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference

April 12, 2017

APRIL 13-14, 2017  300 M.A.C. Avenue, East Lansing MI 48823 The Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference brings together faith leaders, health care providers, and researchers to examine topics related to mental health across the American Muslim community.  Participants can expect to hear relevant speeches by keynote speakers, scholarly research presentations, and panel discussions. 2017 Muslim Mental…

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Call for Papers

April 12, 2017

The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is a much-needed resource for professionals seeking to identify and explore the mental health care needs of Muslims in all areas of the world.

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We invite mental health professionals and community members to contribute by sharing insights, research, and relevant resources. Email your submissions to

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