Seize the Opportunity of This Blessed Month

Take full advantage of Ramadan—may Allah shower His mercy upon you—for many may not witness its return. Use this opportunity with the ability Allah has granted you to practice obedience to Him. Recognize the immense status of this month and fulfill its rights by submitting to Allah in devotion. Increase in supplications, seek His forgiveness, and turn to Him in sincere repentance, because the arrival of this month is a blessing for the believer.

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Your Roar Was, and Will Always Be a Blessing

It’s a weird thing to ask myself to catalyze, again, what I have always been

A storyteller

I’ve learned that the resurgence of a poet’s poetics has more to do with kinetic rhythms put into practice

And looking a little closer in the mirror to see what your wrinkles say about you

And to tell the volumes of your life

In the faces of fear, who ask –

“What ill might befall the speaker if they are too vulnerable?”

“What wrongs could occur if we dare to tell the truth?”

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