Muslim Mental Health Conference March 10-11, 2023!

Accepting Abstracts Until December 1st, 2022
15th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference
Honoring Legacies, Reflecting on Progress, and Envisioning New Horizons
March 10-11, 2023
Michigan State University & Online
East Lansing, Michigan, USA
The history of Muslims addressing mental health extends back to Prophetic times, and to inform our current practice and future we must acknowledge the lessons of the past and as we look towards the future. This year’s conference aims to acknowledge and celebrate our history in the field of Muslim mental health, highlight and share our current insights and wisdom, and set our sights on the future of the field of Muslim Mental Health.
We seek abstracts related to mental health from clinical practitioners, researchers, and those engaged in community work/policy. We welcome proposals from diverse disciplines, including, but not limited to, social work, counseling, psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, health technology, law, chaplaincy, and community workers. Proposals should integrate the theme of past, present, and future as described below:
Our Past:
- What are the historical and contemporary roots of our present knowledge?
- How have previous experts contributed to your content area?
- Which knowledge bases inform your content area?
Our Present:
- How do present day innovations and interventions build on and integrate past knowledge?
- What is your present work and how does it benefit communities?
- What evidence is there for the effectiveness/impact of your work?
- What are the implications of your work for present day research, practice, and community work/policy?
Our Future:
- What are your visions and goals for your future work?
- What should be the next stages of development in your content area?
- How do we ensure the growth and sustainability of our work and the field?
How do we stay well so that we can continue to engage and advance our work?
Questions?? Email msummhconference@gmail.com
Visit our website for up-to-date announcements and further details.